Christmas Break was amazing and relaxing and very lazy.  

Our first Christmas Miracle happened when all kids wore the clothes I picked out for them and then smiled for this picture. 

2nd Christmas Miracle was that all kids loved their Christmas Jammies.  My kids are very picky with PJ’s and we often have at least one kid pouting about the PJ’s I picked out.  

Not this year.  And The kids maybe changed out of their Onesie PJ’s 3 times total all of break. That is Christmas Break perfection right there. 

Christmas Eve was another late night, but well worth the effort.  

Patiently waiting for us to say “go” at 6:30 am Christmas morning.  

Santa brought Pop-A-Shot

We all had sore arms from playing so much.  

Ruby asked Santa for makeup and jewelry.  She was quite pleased with her haul.  

Miles is hard to please, but totally worth it when you actually figure out what this kids wants.  

The rest of the morning was spent playing with toys, shooting baskets, and playing video games.  

The Rensinks came over for dinner Christmas Day.  It might of been the most relaxing Christmas ever. 

The only pics I got was playing Holiday Soda Pong.  

To recover from the festivities we went on a hike the next morning. 


Tajen came over for a late night.  And shocker, Macey wanted to play soda pong. 

More proof my kids pretty much lived in their onesies, unless I was washing then.  

Paul and I did our annual New Year’s Eve hike.  

It was beautiful.  

We had the O’Neal’s over for New Years Eve.  

and surprise…We played Soda Pong!

Everyone loved it.  

and it’s not New Years Eve without a crazy dance party.

Then we had a few more lazy days until school started again!!