It’s been a blur, but according to the calendar Crew has been here for a month already!

He’s starting to be awake more and I’ve been working hard hoping that I’ll get his first smile.

Some of Crew’s favorite things during his first month of life:

Napping in the boppy

Storytime and Playtime

Showing off his cuteness

Being out on the town

He’s been a pretty good third wheel on date night, and he loved last weeks date at Rock the River. Hopefully we’ll be able to leave him with a trusted babysitter soon though.

And I attempted my first sibling photo today, it went just as I expected. Macey and Miles both refused to get too close to Crew for fear he actually might touch him. :) Oh well, I’ll get something eventually.

Life is good, busy, and crazy. And beware if you stop by to visit, my house is looking more and more like this everyday.